About Us

FSBONegotiator.com is a division of TechLabs INC., a privately-held and profitable U.S. Company having offices in New York City and most beautiful city Chandigarh, India.

The Idea conceived by Ex. Real Estate Attorney,

Who has long experience in the fields of Real–Estate, Business, Auto and General Insurance negotiations.

The system actively developed and being supported by,

I.T. consulting and development firm having 150 professionals who have hundreds years of combined experience in the fields of consulting, programming, designing of world class I.T. systems for many countries.

How the idea came into being?

After using numerous  FSBO portals of different countries, wasting precious  resources and  time of our lives we got frustrated and indulged in many brain storming sessions that  how to help millions of FSBO websites users like ourselves as well as Webmasters of FSBO websites.

Ultimately we pioneered,

“Patent Pending”

World’s first Revolutionary “Online Price Negotiation Tool” which is; useful, intuitive, unique yet simple and changing the eMarket-Place worldwide.

Focus Groups:

Our focus groups consist of;

internet users from 20 countries,
highly educated to school dropouts and all age groups.
After nearly two years of development, testing and feedback, public beta was launched.
We welcome all comments, suggestions, contributions and indeed all feedback from users and webmasters in an honest endeavor of making it “The best tool in e-MarketPlace”.